All Solid Wood Moulding
We offer a variety of moulding patterns
Mouldings for the Home or Business
Most popular Moulding patterns are shown on the green navigation links to the left :
- Base
- Casing
- Crown
- We produce dozens of patterns that are not shown on the web site.
- Species are Cypress or Hardwood, depending on your need.
- Prices vary with the pattern, species, grade of lumber and the quantity needed.
- If you need a moulding pattern that is not shown we may have knives for it, but if not, we can make the knives.
Mouldings for Industrial Accounts
- Flooring
- Base Shoe
- Screen Moulding
- Door Stop
- Decking Products
- S4S Programs
- Custom orders for parts for tables, awnings, fish hatchery tanks, water tanks, water wheels and other commercial applications.
If you need a truckload or multiple loads of finished good manufactured to your specifications, contact us to discuss setting up a program for your company.
Base Moulding

Casing Moulding

Crown Moulding

Payment Types